Quilting 101

As I learn tips and tricks, I’ll share them here!  If you have any questions or topics, feel free to ask!



5 thoughts on “Quilting 101

  1. I just started quilting (am also an avid runner!) I’m looking for patterns that can be made with fat quarters since I unknowingly bought a waaay too many for my first project! Any tips or patterns that use fat quarters would be fabulous!

  2. I am doing my first candy stripe binding. My fabric has words of thanksgiving on it. I’m trying to figure out how to get all the words upright ie. the top of the quilt the words will be upright, but when I get around to the bottom, they will be upside down. It looks like your “not quilt in a day” binding had words, but I can’t see it good enough to know if you just let the words be upside down on the bottom , or not. I’m obviously new at this and would appreciate your help!

  3. You’re quilts are beautiful! I am new to quilting too. I’m looking to get another sewing machine. And since you quilt your own pieces as well, what type of machine do you have?

  4. Just found your site: You are now in my favorities: Have question. I purchased 1/4 yards of fabric and guess I didn’t look close enough to the small print, but they came a regular cuts. I am making a bargello quilt. Can I make these regular quarters into fat quarters with out messing up the quilt design to much?

  5. Hi! Love your work and choices of Fabrics! Just wanted to say hi, have a beautiful day! I’ll be back when I can find my password. Ugg. I’m lookin for it right now. Thanks, Ruth.

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