ScrapBeeLicious Quilting Bee

Say what?  No, I’m not writing a rap song.  I’m joining a Quilting Bee.

A Quilting Bee simply put is: a gathering to make quilts.  Quilters gather in groups to make the load lighter for various reasons: fun, charity, competition, etc.  Our bee is, of course, for FUN.  All summer I’ve been participating in Beth’s Summer Blog Hop for new bloggers and I have met some of the most wonderful people.  Each week I found new inspiration and I truly looked forward to the new posts.  Of course, all good things come to end, and I am not one who enjoys leaving the party.  Like, after I drove away from my wedding I asked my husband if we could go back.  Or how I worked at summer camp for three summers because I can’t let a good thing go.  Or how I had two senior years in college.  It’s kind of like that – SO.  Laura over at Little and Lots, who was already a wonderful friend before the hop, and I decided to keep this party going.  With a Quilting Bee.  Of course we reached out to our new blogging friends – and let me tell you – the ScrapBeeLicious Quilting Bee roster is a dream team.


OK, so we won’t all be in the same room (unfortunately)

But every.month. we will be having

Each month, one participating blogger will become the Queen.  I know – who doesn’t want to be a Queen for an entire month?  Someone tell Queen Elizabeth she can rest easy for the next 13 months and enjoy Baby George: we got this.  That blogger will then pick a quilt block, any block, on the first of the month and the other 12 bloggers will create TWO blocks for the queen.  Out of their scraps.  See, everyone wants billions of fabrics, but we all have to stop somewhere – so this is a great way to get bits of fabric from different stashes.  (

By the end of the month, the Queen will receive her parcels of joy from all over the country and have an entire quilt top of blocks made by talented, thoughtful, and amazing quilters.

There are so many things I’m looking forward to – getting to know such talented quilters, seeing what blocks they pick, quilting my own quilt, finding the perfect scraps, challenging myself with new blocks, and seeing the 13 completed quilts.

Want to see some Bee quilts done by other quilting bees.  Just click here – and get ready for your mind to be blown.

So, who’s joining Laura and I?  Check it out!

August: Ashley @ Wasn’t Quilt in a Day
September: Gwendellyn @ The Rainbow Revolts
October: Cath @ Wombat Quilts
November: Alyce @ Wonderland by Alyce
December: Nicole @  Modern Handcraft
January: Rachel @ Let’s Begin Sewing
February: Nanette @  Yeah, I Made That
April: Robin Sue @  RobinSue Quilts
May: Stephanie H @ Simple Sewendipity
June: Stephanie A @ Quarter Incher
July: Michelle @ Factotum of Arts
August: Laura @ Little and Lots

If you haven’t already bookmarked these ladies, do it.  In the meantime, get ready to see some fabulous quilts over the next 13 months.  There’s no telling what this group will come up with!  Also, this goes without saying, but be sure to check back on August 1st when I reveal our first ScrapBeeLicious block!


13 blog hoppy members
a zillion scraps
13 months
one bee

14 thoughts on “ScrapBeeLicious Quilting Bee

  1. Pingback: ends and beginnings | little and lots

  2. I’m jealous. Like, so jealous I could almost be mad, but I don’t REALLY know you, jealous. Must. Find. Bee.

  3. Pingback: ScrapBeeLicious: Queen | Wasn't Quilt in a Day

  4. Pingback: ScrapBeeLicious | Wasn't Quilt in a Day

  5. Pingback: Cheers to The Year I Started Quilting | Wasn't Quilt in a Day

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