Basting Party

Winter might still be hanging around up here in Jersey, but I’m doing everything in my power to bring Spring back!  In time for my February Goals, I basted the Terrain inspired quilt, and I’m so excited to finish this up.  It’s going to be 56 inches x 70 inches, and I’m going to do wavy quilting.

The husband was more than happy to lend me his office…


Sneak peak at my first pieced back.

Baby steps, people.


See.  Doesn’t this just scream Spring?!


Who actually likes basting?!




Ten points to the first person who gets that reference.

Summer Sewing Continues

If you follow me on Instagram you know I’ve done a better job of sewing this summer than blogging. Whoops. Can I blame it on the fact that my laptop is fritzing out? Yes? Good! I’m buying a new one this week and then we can resume our lovely bloggy relationship :). Also, if you don’t follow me on Instagram, what’s up with that? Exactly, make it happen!

I have a project that’s almost ready to reveal and I’m so proud of myself.

*pats shoulder*

I’ve turned this lovely bundle…

Into some adorable St. Louis 16 Patch blocks. Since we all know I’m obsessed with them like I was N*SYNC back in middle school…

Finished piecing the top, and basted it with a little help from my friends…

This dog is perfection, you guys.
Quilted it with my amazing straight line design that I think I might trademark before long…

And finished the binding yesterday!

So, it wasn’t quilt in a day, friends, but I did finish this project in less than a week. From the girl who spent five months resisting anything but piecing a top we have made serious progress!!

Also, I wrote this post on my iPhone … It’s come to this. Don’t forget to go check out the bloggers up this week on Plum and Junes summer blog hop. I have really enjoyed reading more about some amazing quilters and meeting new friends. Finally, get ready for some email overload when I buy my new computer. It’ll be like Christmas in July for ya.

Happy Monday and happy quilting, friends!

Summer Quilting

Whew, I am so happy to be back in the homeland.  With only 48 hours under my belt, I’ve already visited my favorite local quilt shop, basted a quilt, and started quilting the St. Louis 16 Patch.  Of course, when I visited the LQS, my original teacher was not there so I couldn’t show the suitcase of quilts I’d brought with me… which means I’ll have to go back.  Darn.  🙂 

I did walk away with some new fabric, thread, and quilting gadgets.  Now, let me just say this.  If you do not have a Kwik Klip – get one.  Basting went so much faster, and I didn’t break one nail.  Hallelujah.  This tool is genius – well worth $10.00.


I loved having this tool and the floor space to baste now that I’m home:


My mom even mopped the floor for me before I started.


Of course, my little sister was done after ironing the backing…



Now that this quilt is all basted I’ve started quilting my first “large” quilt.  So far it’s going really well and I’m enjoying it.  My mom helped me pick out the thread and I LOVE it!


Plus I’m getting to use my new quilting gloves!  I don’t know if I could have done a larger quilt without them.  If you’re just starting out quilting, I would say this is a tool not to skip!


Plus, my mom has taken an interest in the blog and wanted to document me quilting with my new gloves in my quilting space away from home.  She cleaned out my little sister’s office alcove and now I get to have two tables.  I may never leave.


Off to quilt!  Happy quilting, y’all!

Name of the Game: Baby Quilts

When the quilting bug first bit, I decided to start with this quilt as my starter quilt.  Ha.  While the quilt top is finished, I quickly realized that there was no way I was going to be able to successful quilt a quilt that large without practicing first.  Practicing a lot.  Since then, I’ve made many smaller quilt tops, and finished one – heeeeey!  Now I’ve finally purchased my walking foot and it’s on its way as we speak, so I wanted to make sure I had a few baby quilts to work on when it arrives.  I. am. so. excited.  About the walking foot, and the upcoming babies!

Last night I finally finished the over-sized granny square quilt top that I made a while back.  When I was making this quilt top, I had a recipient in mind, but she hadn’t found out the gender of her baby yet.  Thank God it’s a baby girl!  It’s the perfect quilt for her and she’s my cousin, so I’m ecstatic that one of my first quilts will go to family. 

Here’s a sneak peak at the back:


Here’s the finished quilt top, covered in basting pins:


I’m really happy with how this quilt top turned out, and I promise I have a plan for quilting this baby.  There is a rhyme and reason to all of those pins.  

Then I spent the rest of my night ripping out the stitches from my previous failed attempt at quilting.  Let me tell you.  This sucks. 


I ripped through the entire movie and only ripped out 2.5 lines.  What in the world.  So defeating.  However, this baby quilt is on it’s way to a growing baby boy, so I’m super motivated to finally finish this one.  Hopefully I’ll be adding a few more finished quilts to my list in the coming weeks – as soon as my walking foot arrives to save the day.  I do not want to spend any more time with the seam ripper!

Today I’m linking up with Beth’s Let’s Get Acquainted link up hosted by Melissa.   Be sure to check out the other projects – I always find them so inspiring!

Weekend Treat

I’m so excited with the progress I’ve made on the projects I have going on right now.  This whole quilting thing is perfect for my need to be doing 20 things at once.  I love having multiple projects and there is always inspiration to be found.  It makes me so happy.

This Saturday my school made up some time we had missed from Hurricane Sandy.  Now, any teacher who goes into school for a sixth day in a row, deserves either an extra jewel for his or her crown in heaven, or a trip to the fabric store.  I chose a trip to the fabric store.  After working on my granny squares I’ve realized that my stash is seriously lacking in some quality grays, oranges, purples, and navy blues.  While I have a few bundles sitting in my cart on Etsy, I headed over to my favorite local quilt shop, Rock Paper Scissors, to bulk up my stash.

photo 2

Don’t be too jealous, but my awesome hubs helped me pick out quite a few fabrics, single-handedly found all of the purples and… OK, and then he did head to the car while they were being cut.  I can’t expect too much from the man.  Admittedly, this was a lonnnnggggg trip.  However, I do have much to show for it!

photo 3

Now I have a fresh stack of beautiful fabrics sitting in my craft room ready to be cut.  The only problem is that now I don’t want to cut them.  I just want to stare at them.  Is this feeling ever going to go away?

photo 1

How can I cut this?

So, after the trip to the store, the husband was pooped and I was energized.  While he napped, I had a good two hours to baste my first quilt, on his open office floor!  Now, good thing it’s a baby quilt because I don’t know what I’m going to do with my larger quilts.  Where do you guys baste these monsters?!    The baby quilt was hard enough!

I followed all the steps.  Taping my backing fabric to the floor – but not stretching it:

(and, yes, I even ironed it!)

photo 1 (3)

Carefully laying the batting and the quilt top over the backing and smoothing all the layers:

photo 2 (3)

Using the curved safety pins, not regular straight one, because that would be crazy:

photo 3 (3)

Spending too much time on my knees, going round and round:

photo 4

Until it looked like this:

photo 2 (2)

The whole time I was completely paranoid that I hadn’t gotten the bottom layer.  But I did!  Woohoo!

Now it’s rolled up and hanging out in the craft room:

photo 3 (2)

And I’m busy making color combinations for my Granny Squares.

I hope to work up the courage to quilt this baby soon.  I’ve watched many a video, talked to others, and read books.  And I’m still nervous to actually start. What color thread should I use for the quilting?  Do I need to start an initial line in the center?  Or can I start off of one of the edges?  I’m planning on quilting it in straight lines a 1/4 inch from each seam to create squares inside of the squares.  Or maybe I just need to find a class… help?!

I’ve also made all of my flying geese (after last weekends mishap) and am pushing through with the Love Lives Here quilt.  I think I’m stretching this one out since it was my original project.  The final stretch is proving the be the hardest.  I’ve also made 12 Granny Blocks … F.A.D.D. (fabric.attention.deficit.disorder) strikes again!

Happy Sunday and Happy Quilting, friends!

I’m linking up with Plum and June!
