Sunday Stash

I just love fabric.  What did I do before collecting pretty fabric?  Get manicures?  Fabric is so much better.  But, I would still like a manicure.  I digress.  Ain’t nobody got money for everything.  And if you do, don’t tell me.

This week I bought a few staples.  Two of which were 100% necessary as the fabric is slowly going away!



I bought this beautiful AMH print from her Hand Drawn Garden for the back of my mom’s quilt – which is yet to be finished, cut, or even started.  At least I’m prepared.


This beautiful AMH print – Social Climber in Gold is for my own medallion quilt for The Sisterhood of the traveling quilt.  Y’all.  I am so excited about this one and I went and bought 3 yards of this stuff to make pillows, add borders, and send it to any of my traveling quilt friends who want some! It is the best print ever.  Don’t buy any though, bc it’s seriously sparse and I might want more!


Two words:  Gray Linen.

I bought this for a project I’m going to make with my Chicopee scraps… yes!  I’m cutting into my chicopee this week!


I saved the best for last.

I bought 5 yards of the Field Study Velveteen in Midnight.

This will be the back of my medallion quilt – and I can’t stop touching this!  This is the best fabric ever and I’m so annoyed that I’ve never backed a quilt in velveteen before.  Actually, as long as I back my own it’s OK.  haha.

I feel like these staples were completely necessary.  Don’t you?

Sunday Stash

I didn’t sign up for the fabric stash, but I think it’s sort of rubbing off on me.  I’ve been trying to be much more frugal with fabric purchases, and I’ve been pulling quite a few projects from my stash instead of ordering new fabric.  Lord knows I have enough in there for way too many quilts.  However, sometimes you gotta buy quilt backs, and sometimes stores have great sales and it’s almost a crime not to buy fabric on sale.  

Here’s my loot this week:


First we can start with that bottom pink, because it’s 5 yards and I wasn’t about to iron that for a closeup.  Kaufman Cotton Couture.  I’m using this as the quilt back for my ScrapBeeLicious quilt, and it is so soft.  Plus I got it for like 3 dollars a yard.  SAY WHAT?


A few more fabrics for The Gypsy Wife bin…. 



And I bought my husband’s quilt back!

Speaking of which, I finished the final block last night:



How can that not make a mathematician happy?

I’ve decided that the only time math makes me happy is on quilt fabric, or when I’m using it to calculate discounts on fabric.  There’s only enough room in my marriage for one math nerd and this lady is not it.  

I hope you’ve all found some great deals on fabric, but for now I’m going to try and hold off on purchasing any more.  That is until I break down and buy True Colors by AMH.  Linking up with Sunday Stash being held over at Kate Quilts!

Sunday Stash

I mentioned this before, but Anna Maria Horner and I are about to make up for some lost time together.  It might have taken me a while to come around to her fabrics, but now we’re set.  And I might have just ordered some more last night…

Well, here’s my latest addition to the stash.




Hand. Drawn. Garden.  Stop it.  These colors.  When the bundle arrived, I thought of my mom.  Over Christmas I asked her to tell me what kind of quilt design she liked… she told me that was too much pressure.  I told her to put on her big girl panties (no, no I actually didn’t.)  Then she found this quilt from Angela over at Brooklyn Quilting Co.  Go ahead, click on it.  It’s worth it.  Divine.  I mulled over guessing the dimensions, etc. but I decided that all quilters are nice people so I emailed her and asked if she could help a sister out.  Using much better writing skills than that, I might add.  Not only did she email me back with help, but she also mentioned that she might be putting together a tutorial – let’s all encourage it!  So, now I have the dimensions and a new quilty friend.  Go check out her blog – her style is very colorful, vintagey, clean – I love it!

So now I get to cut these beauties into 3 x 2 inch rectangles.  Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty of TV shows ready to go on my laptop!

Here are some of my favorite prints:


And this is my mom’s favorite print:


And, yes, I promise I’ll iron the fabrics… gahhhhhhh.  Why do they have to freaking crease?!  The struggle!  Oh wait, Just read that Molli Sparkles iron caught on fire. in his hands. while quilting.  Nope. I knew the iron wasn’t safe.  What are you waiting for – go check out the other stashes this week over at Molli Sparkles.  We all need to love on some fabric today.


Quilt Prep Continues

Y’all.  This year the husband will get a quilt.  A few months ago I was reading up on my quilt blogs, when a certain quilt caught my eye.  I showed my husband and he was even more excited than he usually is by your creations.  I ventured out my saying, “Would you like a quilt like this, it makes me think of you…” and he responded with a quick and emphatic “Yes!”  Alrighty then.  I bought low volume fabrics that reminded me of him that night and a layer cake of Comma to make a quilt almost identical to Sarah’s Positively Relative Quilt that you can find here

And then the fabric sat there.  And sat there.

Until this week!  The Quilt is now entirely cut out, waiting to be pieced together.


I hung out with my girl, NeeNee Leakes, while cutting this quilt out, and she made the experience that much more entertaining.  Am I right, or am I right?



See, everything is ready.

Here’s a preview of some of the delicious low-volume fabrics I purchased.





I might be late to this low-volume party, but the party don’t start til I show up!  Just kidding…

I wonder how long it will be until I piece it now…


Sunday Stash

Well, well, well.  I usually shy away from the Sunday Stash posts because, well, sometimes a girls gotta keep her fabric purchases a secret.  You know what I’m saying?  But, now I’m all, “Well, girl, ain’t no shame in your fabric game.”  Plus, the hubs is still well fed and clothed, so we’re doing all right.

Over Christmas I received a gift card to  As if that wasn’t the most perfect gift ever, they were having a 30% off sale and free shipping.  I mean, what?  It was like Christmas on crack.  I had been eyeing the Kaffe Fassett stripped shot cottons since last summer, so I decided to take the plunge.  And, well, since I had oogled them for months, I knew which ones I wanted.  Fabricaholic.  I know.


The box finally came – and I just couldn’t wait to open it.  Of course I had to Instagram my happiness first.


And how funny is Laura from Little and Lots?  That comment got me, especially since I’d be linking up with Molli Sparkles today.  So what was inside the box you ask?  Enough Stripped cottons to make two quilt tops, and two fabulous quilt backs from AMH.  I’m late to the AMH band wagon, but I’m about to make up for a lot of lost time.  


Hello, delicious.  That top checked fabric is the binding for both quilts.  I die.  These colors.  Let’s break it down.


Here are the quilt backs and binding.  AMH is my new quilting guru.  I recently bought the Hand Drawn Garden.  Hooked.  We can talk about that next Sunday.


And the stripped shot cottons.  Y’all.  Is this not the yummiest stack of prints ever?  I’m obsessed.


This box of fabric has got my quilting mojo all excited for what’s to come.  Did I mention that Big Bertha is in the shop?  Things might be slowing down a bit around here, and I’m about to lose my charm if she’s not back soon.  Separation from your sewing machine is too much to handle.

Can’t wait to see what you’ve been stashing – and don’t forget – my giveaway closes tonight!  I hope to add to your stash!

Be sure to go check out the other stashes over at Molli Sparkles!


Sunday Stash

So, I’ve never done Sunday Stash before, but with the recent Stash celebration going on over at Sarah Quilts, I’ve (almost) gotten over my stash shame.  I’ve been relatively good about buying fabric this summer, but this week I just had to shop outside of my stash for an upcoming baby quilt.  Y’all.  This quilt.

I bought a 1/2 yard bundle of some adorable nautical prints from the amazing Laurie Wisbrun‘s line Don’t Be Crabby!  I am simply obsessed. The prints are so bright and happy – and they’re going to make an adorable baby quilt.




 And, per usual, my favorite prints are for the backing and binding.  I bought Michael Miller’s Madras Patch in Seaside from the Shore Thing collection and then these adorable lobsters for the binding from Timeless Treasures, Coastal Beach collection.


I want to play with the idea of portholes with this baby quilt so be on the lookout for my newest trick – circles.  This could be brilliant or a disaster, time is shore to tell.  Haha, I crack myself up.

Linking up with Fiona at Finding Fifth for this week’s Sunday Stash-a-thon!
You should do the same.

You Show Me Yours, I’ll Show You Mine

My stash, that is!  Now, even though my husband’s office is right across the hall from my sewing room, I like to think he doesn’t know the full extent of my stash… how to hide this post from him?  When Sarah over at Sarah Quilts decided to host this linky party I was super excited, because I always want to know what others have in their own sewing rooms!  We all know that there are plenty of must-have fabrics, and I’ve yet to meet many that don’t fall in this category.  Without further ado, here is my stash – and remember, now you’re going to have to show me yours!


I also display markers, thank you notes, pez dispensers, family photos, necklaces, and student photos in my sewing room, too.  Why not?

So let’s break this down!


Up first, CHICOPEE.  Y’all knew it was here!  Yes, some of it is still in the bag.

Just like your grandmother’s fancy couch was covered in plastic …


Here’s my lark fabrics for my Sister’s Ten BOM – that has definitely fallen by the wayside.

And, from way back, the Ty Pennington fabric I bought from my winnings in the Sew Can She Herringbone challenge!


A little stack of a few fat quarters.

What you don’t see are the hidden fat quarters behind this stack (shhhh, don’t tell my husband!)


This might be my favorite picture ever.  What’s not to love about this happy little bundle?

Special shout out to Pink Castle fabrics for almost all of these fabrics from the Stash Stack Club.


This cube has all of my future quilts and steals I’ve found on quilt backs.

Basically everything in this cube I’ve found on “can’t pass this up sale”.

I think this represents about 6 future quilts that I have planned in my little mind.


This little basket of joy holds all of my Cuzco for a special quilt I hope to make by Christmas…


Down below, I hold all of my extra batting and the quilts that are basted and ready to quilt.

Plus, clearly I’ve thrown some extra fabric on top.  I’m just messy like that.


And you knew there was fabric hiding in those bins, didn’t you?

(SHHHHH, we’re all in this together!)

The scraps have to go somewhere!

Now, what are you waiting for?  It’s time to show me yours!  Head on over to Sarah’s stash linky party, and link up!

SHHHHHH, Don’t Tell the Hubs


I feel you, girl.  I feel ya.

This may or may not have just happened.


Good thing the comic says her name is Alice, not Ashley!

Five Monkey Fabrics is having a sale on my favoriteeeee fabric line, Chicopee, and an overall 10% off store wide coupon.  When I saw that I could get this entire line for this price, I took it as fate and a gift for my stressful month.  I have so many quilts that I want to make with this line, for myself, and for others, so I just couldn’t say no!  This is honestly the fabric line that hooked me with this quilt by Film in the Fridge:


Now, I really am going on a fabric diet.

For real this time.

No, really.  I am.

Actually, I have quilt class tonight… Crap.

Weekend Treat

I’m so excited with the progress I’ve made on the projects I have going on right now.  This whole quilting thing is perfect for my need to be doing 20 things at once.  I love having multiple projects and there is always inspiration to be found.  It makes me so happy.

This Saturday my school made up some time we had missed from Hurricane Sandy.  Now, any teacher who goes into school for a sixth day in a row, deserves either an extra jewel for his or her crown in heaven, or a trip to the fabric store.  I chose a trip to the fabric store.  After working on my granny squares I’ve realized that my stash is seriously lacking in some quality grays, oranges, purples, and navy blues.  While I have a few bundles sitting in my cart on Etsy, I headed over to my favorite local quilt shop, Rock Paper Scissors, to bulk up my stash.

photo 2

Don’t be too jealous, but my awesome hubs helped me pick out quite a few fabrics, single-handedly found all of the purples and… OK, and then he did head to the car while they were being cut.  I can’t expect too much from the man.  Admittedly, this was a lonnnnggggg trip.  However, I do have much to show for it!

photo 3

Now I have a fresh stack of beautiful fabrics sitting in my craft room ready to be cut.  The only problem is that now I don’t want to cut them.  I just want to stare at them.  Is this feeling ever going to go away?

photo 1

How can I cut this?

So, after the trip to the store, the husband was pooped and I was energized.  While he napped, I had a good two hours to baste my first quilt, on his open office floor!  Now, good thing it’s a baby quilt because I don’t know what I’m going to do with my larger quilts.  Where do you guys baste these monsters?!    The baby quilt was hard enough!

I followed all the steps.  Taping my backing fabric to the floor – but not stretching it:

(and, yes, I even ironed it!)

photo 1 (3)

Carefully laying the batting and the quilt top over the backing and smoothing all the layers:

photo 2 (3)

Using the curved safety pins, not regular straight one, because that would be crazy:

photo 3 (3)

Spending too much time on my knees, going round and round:

photo 4

Until it looked like this:

photo 2 (2)

The whole time I was completely paranoid that I hadn’t gotten the bottom layer.  But I did!  Woohoo!

Now it’s rolled up and hanging out in the craft room:

photo 3 (2)

And I’m busy making color combinations for my Granny Squares.

I hope to work up the courage to quilt this baby soon.  I’ve watched many a video, talked to others, and read books.  And I’m still nervous to actually start. What color thread should I use for the quilting?  Do I need to start an initial line in the center?  Or can I start off of one of the edges?  I’m planning on quilting it in straight lines a 1/4 inch from each seam to create squares inside of the squares.  Or maybe I just need to find a class… help?!

I’ve also made all of my flying geese (after last weekends mishap) and am pushing through with the Love Lives Here quilt.  I think I’m stretching this one out since it was my original project.  The final stretch is proving the be the hardest.  I’ve also made 12 Granny Blocks … F.A.D.D. (fabric.attention.deficit.disorder) strikes again!

Happy Sunday and Happy Quilting, friends!

I’m linking up with Plum and June!


Inside the Box

I found this title humorous, since I’m usually trying to do anything to stay outside of the box.  Last Friday I finally used the gift certificate I won from the Sew Can She challenge in January! When this package arrived from Fat Quarter Shop last night I couldn’t do anything but tear it open and start playing.  See the dent I made moving it to cut it open?  Whoops!



For all who are interested in what was inside… or just my mother…





My mom always said you can never have too many white shirts.  So I’ve applied her rule to fabric as well.  I think I need to extend this rule to gray fabrics as well…


Finally, the pièce de résistance: Ty Pennington’s newest line!  I don’t think I can even bring myself to cut this.  I just stared at it all night.


In short…

ImageI am one happy quilter right now.

Off to play with my fabric…