Supplying the Quilt Room

So, as a novice quilter I’m still figuring many things out – like sewing straight lines, getting all of my seams to match, and well, actually quilting and binding a quilt.  While other bloggers are like, “Look the amazing quilt I designed and got published in three quilting magazines!” I’m like, “Hey, 8 out of 9 seams match! Yessss!”

Baby steps, friends, baby steps.

However, there is one thing I do know how to do.  Supply a quilting room.  Because I read allllll of those quilting blogs I just mentioned before I got started and blew a hefty amount of Christmas money.  Of course, it would have been helpful if it had all been in one place… and now it is!

[Granted, I could buy so much more, but after two quilting stores, Ikea, Target, and Walmart I feel like this definitely works for the beginning quilter… and beyond.]


  1. A table.  A very, very large table.  As in, I could have gone larger.  (Desk – Ikea)
  2. A sewing machine – I went with a Bernina, and I’m more than happy with it.  Except for when I almost cry with fear every time I change the needle, clean the machine, etc. etc.
  3. A Design Wall.  I saw many great ideas on Pinterest (of course) for this quilting room staple, such as, felt or flannel sheets.  I decided to go with a plastic table cloth from target, turned to the reverse side for that white cottony feel.  The fabric instantly clings to it and it really motivates me to keep going.  Slight problem.  I need a larger design wall.  I’m thinking about getting another larger one to put in the hallway.  Girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.  (Thanks, hubs!)
  4. Lamp.  Seriously, you do need the light.  Large and obnoxious poppies are optional.
  5. TRASH CAN.  This is seriously a must have.  After a few days of getting up every time you have a pile of scraps or thread, to walk to the kitchen trash can, you’ll be making a target run again, too.
  6. A chair cushion.  Just do it.  You’ll thank me later.  Best purchase I’ve made.Image
  7. Rulers.  Acrylic rulers that show 1, 1/4, 1/2, and 1/8 marks.  Also, it’s nice to know fractional parts.  One benefit of being a fourth grade teacher.
  8. Rotary cuter.  Amazing.  Saves your life.  Must have.  Can’t imagine cutting fabric with scissors.  Mom, how did you make your quilts?!
  9. That pin cushion thing.  You might need more than one.  I already do.Image
  10. Mason Jars.  Lots and lots of mason jars.
  11. Bobbins.  Multiple.  More than I have.
  12. Thread.  Again, more than I have.
  13. Scrap fabric for starters and enders when you are chain piecing.
  14. Scissors.  All sizes.  An assortment of colors is also preferred.
  15. Paintbrush – duh, to clean your sewing machine.  Lint gets all up in that thing!
  16. A Quilt Calendar is optional.  But, if your husband is awesome like mine, he’ll buy it for your desk to keep you inspired all year long.Image
  17. Quilt magazines.  Quilt books.  Quilt patterns.  You can never have enough.
  18. Binding is never easy.  That magazine LIES.
  19. Image
  20. Fabric.  Again, more than I have.  But, this is a sneak peak into my next two quilts!  It’s almost hard to think about cutting into these gorgeous fabrics.  Nah, I can’t wait!
  21. I made them into mini-fabric bolts using comic book protectors.  Thank you, Pinterest!Image
  22. An iron.  I just bought my first iron 2 weeks ago.  I’m 27 years old.  Additionally, my husband had to help me open the board because I didn’t know how.  This might be my least favorite part of quilting, but it’s a crucial step that can’t be skipped.  Get it, girl (or boy!)Image
  23. And, art supplies.  This makes my heart happy!Image
  24. To bring out the inner quilt designer in you.  I have pencils, colored pencils, markers, etc.Image
  25. And, finally, a graph paper journal.  Where else are you going to store all those awesome designs you create?

So, there you have it.  The essentials of a functioning Quilt Room.  Take a piece, or take it all.  Start small, or follow my motto: Go big, or go home!

Happy Quilting!