Bee Blocks: Feather Style

Remember when I was writing about Quilter’s Guilt?  Well, I think my most recent fabric purchase cured me of it.  This weekend I was able to get started on quite a few projects, and I even finished some bee blocks for Rachel.  I’m not even going to tell you what month they’re from….

The first feather I made using AMH fabrics – duh.

ImageI just love how her fabrics play together.  I wanted to make one side of the feather as a whole print, because those are my favorite blocks in the quilt from the pattern.


Just like with every other bee block that I make for the ScrapBeeLicious crew, I always have to throw in some Chicopee.  I pulled all of the saturated fabrics from my Chicopee scrap stash and made a rainbow side.


Then, I couldn’t decide on a fabric for the other side, so I rummaged through my scrap bin.  Y’all.  I pulled out a huge scrap of the first fabric I ever bought.  This Love Lives Here fabric plays perfectly with Chicopee.  I’m obsessed with the fact that the first fabric I ever bought is so similar in color palette with my fabric for life, Chicopee.  I clearly have a color obsession.


So, here’s my new “problem”.  I’ve basically started a new quilt with some extra feathers and the scraps of Love Lives Here that I still have.  This with cerise and some more rainbow Chicopee.  Right? 


The only thing: I’m not really good at improve quilting.  Gotta stretch myself!  And I need some more of this Love Lives Here fabric…


Here’s an update on ScrapBeeLicious.  I have already had so much fun with these ladies, and I feel so blessed to have my blocks.  (Yes, I know I need to finish that quilt.  I’ve decided to make it a HUGE quilt, so I have 6 more blocks to make.  I don’t know what’s holding me up … yes, I do.  ADD)  I’ve found that with bees I am a huge procrastinator.  I put a lot of pressure on myself to please the recipient because I respect and like all of them so much.  I want them to love what I make.  This past month Cath over at Wombat Quilts had up paper piece two low-volume blocks.  Paper piecing was the easy part – low volume was a new concept.  I don’t speak low volume.  I changed my mind about twenty times, but in the end I loved the blocks I made.  I can’t wait to see the finished quilt – it’s going to be stunning.



Of course I had to cut into some Chicopee for such a special friend.  I truly can’t wait to see all of these finished quilts.  And, I promise that I’m starting the next blocks this weekend, Alyce!  With my quilt guild I just started a new bee, and our first block has a Y-seam.  About that… first time for everything, right?!

Happy quilting this weekend, friends.  I have an unobtainable wish list to accomplish this weekend – here’s to hoping I get it done!

ScrapBeeLicious: Scrappy-Trip-Along


For the second month of our bee, ScrapBeeLicious, our Queen Gwen has chosen the scrappy trip along block.  I have been wanting to make one of these for a while, so I was happy to see that two blocks came together rather quickly!  She wants to make this a commemorative quilt of her first year of quilting, so she asked for blocks with a theme.  She has some really cute blocks already made, and I had a hard time thinking of themes.  Until I realized that Denyse Schmidt and Chicopee are their own theme called: Awesome.

Hopefully Gwen will always remember me, the crazy Denyse fan, whenever she sees this block!


Now, for the other block, I had a little bit more trouble with a theme…


Still can’t guess it?  Don’t feel bad.

I call this “Spring”!

I so hope that Gwen is having as much fun this month as I did last month.  There is nothing more exciting than coming home to a package of blocks – and those packages were the only thing that got me through my hellacious August!  What’s that?  You want to see my quilt… well, I’ve decided to make it a TAD bigger, and I hope to have the top done by next week!

These Bee-ladies are some talented folk.

I love quilting friends!

ScrapBeeLicious: Queen

That’s right, this is me breaking out my Lion King sound track circa 1994 and singing, “I just can’t wait to be QUEEN.”  This is it.  The first month of the ScrapBeeLicious Quilting Bee and I know you’re all on the edge of your seats wondering what block we’re going to kick off with.


(How adorable is our blog button made by the wonderful and talented Stephanie over at Quarter Incher?!)

Well, I’m here to tell you – picking a block is plum hard.  Hard, I tell you!  I went through plenty of choices, researched and researched, until finally I had to tell myself, “enough is enough.”  One thing that helped was asking: “Do I know exactly how I would want this quilt to look?”  Then it’s not a Bee quilt.  I really wanted to do something that I thought would look beautiful as a scrap quilt.  That helped to narrow down block choices.  So I had it down to 10 blocks.  haha.  I contemplated the X-Plus quilt, the scrappy trip along, the spiderweb block, arkansas crossroads block, flying geese remix, etc.  Then, there was also a quilt I have been fascinated with since a fellow Bee member made it this spring: Bookworms by Stephanie over @ Simple Sewendipity!    When I was feverishly looking through my Pinterest page of quilts, I saw another converging corners quilt similar to hers, and I just knew this would be my Bee Quilt.

Check out this Converging Corners quilt by Ashley @ Film in the Fridge


photo credit: Ashley @ Film in the Fridge

You’ll notice that Ashley’s is slightly different than Stephanie’s, in that hers has center squares that are white.  Also, hers is not separated by color order or into a specific color scheme.  I am obsessed with the Converging Corners block and luckily Ashley has a wonderful Converging Corners Tutorial over at Film in the Fridge which made my job as Queen even easier.  Which, let’s be serious, I’m supposed to be sitting here drinking Tea this month, right?!  Amen.  I just think this block looks divine all scrappy (even though I know this one is all one line of fabric.  This girl can spot Denyse Schmidt from miles away… is anyone surprised that my inspiration quilt is made from Denyse Schmidt fabric?  I think I need rehab.)

So, now let’s talk details:

Bee members, oh wonderful Bee members.  While the tutorial says to start with a center square of patterned fabric – I want a white center square – i.e. the quilt above.  White. Center. Square.

For the white center square – please vary the dimensions in your two blocks so that they measure somewhere in the neighborhood of 7″ to 9.5″ square before you start adding the color corners.  Like in the tutorial, this doesn’t have to be precise, to add interest and dimension to the final quilt.  For example, you could do one with a center white square of 7 inches, and your second block with a center square of 8.5 inches.  That way I will have a large variety of blocks for the final quilt.

Background fabric: Kona White please!  (If you don’t have access to Kona White at a LQS, let me know – I’ll be happy to mail you some!)

Final Block Size:  Please square the blocks to 12.5 inches

Now, color scheme.  Because I love color.  No, I really, really, really love color.

57_513509405989_9777_nYeah, I didn’t think you believed me, I REALLY love color.

Now that we have that covered, the color scheme is more of a color vomit.  But, let’s get something out-of-the-way.  I’m not really feeling low-volume for this.  The white will be plenty low-volume for me.  It’s ok, I’m allowed to pull a diva moment.  I’m Queen.  Sing it: “No one saying do this… no one saying be there… no one saying stop that…. no one saying low volume…”  oh, that’s not how the song went?  Whoops.  It did say: “Free to do it all my way!”

Since color vomit isn’t really a color scheme, or really appropriate, I thought I’d attach some color inspiration photos.  I love vibrant colors.  Rich, saturated, bold, jewel colors.


Or this quilt block:


I just love all the saturated colors – but, please don’t feel the need to separate colors into color order, or even use all of the colors in the rainbow.  I’m sure they’ll all be represented once all the blocks are received!

Oh, and just as a heads up, I love fuchsia..  Holla ‘atcha girl.  (By the way, I just had to goggle how to spell Fuchsia, my favorite color.  Fail.)

In essence, though, I love everything I’ve seen each of you make and I promise you that getting these blocks in the mail, with all the scrappy goodness, is going to fill my heart with so much joy that I won’t even notice if you throw in some low-volume or even brown.

So, for the next month, some amazing quilters and friends are going to be sending me two converging corners blocks and it’s going to be Christmas early for me.  I hope my husband is ready to open the mail and ohhhhh and ahhhhh with me this month!

I can’t wait to see what these ladies make!

Let the ScrapBeeLicious-ness begin!  

ScrapBeeLicious Quilting Bee

Say what?  No, I’m not writing a rap song.  I’m joining a Quilting Bee.

A Quilting Bee simply put is: a gathering to make quilts.  Quilters gather in groups to make the load lighter for various reasons: fun, charity, competition, etc.  Our bee is, of course, for FUN.  All summer I’ve been participating in Beth’s Summer Blog Hop for new bloggers and I have met some of the most wonderful people.  Each week I found new inspiration and I truly looked forward to the new posts.  Of course, all good things come to end, and I am not one who enjoys leaving the party.  Like, after I drove away from my wedding I asked my husband if we could go back.  Or how I worked at summer camp for three summers because I can’t let a good thing go.  Or how I had two senior years in college.  It’s kind of like that – SO.  Laura over at Little and Lots, who was already a wonderful friend before the hop, and I decided to keep this party going.  With a Quilting Bee.  Of course we reached out to our new blogging friends – and let me tell you – the ScrapBeeLicious Quilting Bee roster is a dream team.


OK, so we won’t all be in the same room (unfortunately)

But every.month. we will be having

Each month, one participating blogger will become the Queen.  I know – who doesn’t want to be a Queen for an entire month?  Someone tell Queen Elizabeth she can rest easy for the next 13 months and enjoy Baby George: we got this.  That blogger will then pick a quilt block, any block, on the first of the month and the other 12 bloggers will create TWO blocks for the queen.  Out of their scraps.  See, everyone wants billions of fabrics, but we all have to stop somewhere – so this is a great way to get bits of fabric from different stashes.  (

By the end of the month, the Queen will receive her parcels of joy from all over the country and have an entire quilt top of blocks made by talented, thoughtful, and amazing quilters.

There are so many things I’m looking forward to – getting to know such talented quilters, seeing what blocks they pick, quilting my own quilt, finding the perfect scraps, challenging myself with new blocks, and seeing the 13 completed quilts.

Want to see some Bee quilts done by other quilting bees.  Just click here – and get ready for your mind to be blown.

So, who’s joining Laura and I?  Check it out!

August: Ashley @ Wasn’t Quilt in a Day
September: Gwendellyn @ The Rainbow Revolts
October: Cath @ Wombat Quilts
November: Alyce @ Wonderland by Alyce
December: Nicole @  Modern Handcraft
January: Rachel @ Let’s Begin Sewing
February: Nanette @  Yeah, I Made That
April: Robin Sue @  RobinSue Quilts
May: Stephanie H @ Simple Sewendipity
June: Stephanie A @ Quarter Incher
July: Michelle @ Factotum of Arts
August: Laura @ Little and Lots

If you haven’t already bookmarked these ladies, do it.  In the meantime, get ready to see some fabulous quilts over the next 13 months.  There’s no telling what this group will come up with!  Also, this goes without saying, but be sure to check back on August 1st when I reveal our first ScrapBeeLicious block!


13 blog hoppy members
a zillion scraps
13 months
one bee