WiP Wednesday

Miley Cyrus has got nothing on me, y’all.


Why yes that is a stiletto keeping my seams open while I iron.  When Molli Sparkles and I were lamenting about pressing seams open, this seemed like the only logical solution.  Of course, Molli raised a valid point:  To wear them or use them as tools?  To which I say: Both.  I think Miley would agree.

In all seriousness I’m so excited to finish up this quilt and I truly want to gift it.  Like yesterday.  I even planned out my quilting pattern last night and let’s just say that it’s going to be fabulous!  It even involves marking it up with a washable marker and praying that Pinterest was right…

Here’s a sneak peak at my first “pieced” back.  Which still kind of holds true to my two panel look that I’ve perfected!


It’s only Wednesday, y’all, and gracious am I feeling it.


Me and the heels are doing what we gotta do…

Keep twerking working it, y’all.  Friday is almost here.

Summer Quilting

Whew, I am so happy to be back in the homeland.  With only 48 hours under my belt, I’ve already visited my favorite local quilt shop, basted a quilt, and started quilting the St. Louis 16 Patch.  Of course, when I visited the LQS, my original teacher was not there so I couldn’t show the suitcase of quilts I’d brought with me… which means I’ll have to go back.  Darn.  🙂 

I did walk away with some new fabric, thread, and quilting gadgets.  Now, let me just say this.  If you do not have a Kwik Klip – get one.  Basting went so much faster, and I didn’t break one nail.  Hallelujah.  This tool is genius – well worth $10.00.


I loved having this tool and the floor space to baste now that I’m home:


My mom even mopped the floor for me before I started.


Of course, my little sister was done after ironing the backing…



Now that this quilt is all basted I’ve started quilting my first “large” quilt.  So far it’s going really well and I’m enjoying it.  My mom helped me pick out the thread and I LOVE it!


Plus I’m getting to use my new quilting gloves!  I don’t know if I could have done a larger quilt without them.  If you’re just starting out quilting, I would say this is a tool not to skip!


Plus, my mom has taken an interest in the blog and wanted to document me quilting with my new gloves in my quilting space away from home.  She cleaned out my little sister’s office alcove and now I get to have two tables.  I may never leave.


Off to quilt!  Happy quilting, y’all!