Quilted Name Tag

This weekend my husband had to chaperone a field trip and when he mentioned that he needed another chaperone I quickly volunteered.  Basically, I don’t like to be home alone.  Ever.  The weekend was a great time to interact with his students and see him in action.  However, let me tell you, a high school teacher I am not!  As a bonus, we also got to hear Fareed Zakaria speak, which was a nice surprise, especially since I spent all of high school and college reading his articles in Newsweek.


During his speech I was doodling on paper planning out the embroidery letters for my quilted name tag.  (I listen better when I’m drawing, honest.)  At one point I looked over my shoulder and another chaperone was designing a quilt block.

Quilters are every where!

We also no longer sit in the back of the bus with the cool kids…


I was most definitely the only chaperone doing this in the lobby:


My only goal this weekend was to finish my quilted name tag for my MQGs challenge.  I literally sat in the lobby embroidering the entire day on Saturday.  I’m pretty happy with the results, but I am not showing you the back!  Hot mess!  Tonight, when I got home, I headed straight to little BerNina.  I knew if I waited, I would never finish this project.  I used the binding tutorial that came with the Herringbone Hot Pad tutorial I tweaked for this project.  The only difference was that I used these – teachers do what they gotta do!


My first time binding:


 The binding got a little curved on the bottom, but overall I’m really happy with it!

Here’s a closeup of the decorative stitch I used:

photo 3

 Did you catch the lint at the top of the Y?  Whoops.  Gotta clean that.

Finally, here’s the finished product:

photo 2

 Ok, so it’s not really finished, you got me.  I still have to attach the pin.

So, what do you think?  Will my partner like it?!

Be sure to check out the other projects at for Let’s Get Acquainted Monday!

23 thoughts on “Quilted Name Tag

    • Jess, I really hope you took some sewing on your trip! Our kids go to Six Flags at the end of the year and I plan on doing it again… hahaha. No shame!

  1. love it

    *Ashley Huffman* Owner, LFF Designs

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    * If you or someone you know has an hour and half to give around 10/11:00 on a weekday morning and would like to serve a meal to a home-bound Senior Citizen…Send them to me! *Home Delivered Meals* is in desperate need for volunteer drivers! *(P.S. We reimburse for mileage!)*

    “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ~Maya Angelou

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