Gypsy Wife

We’ve all seen it.  We’ve all pinned it.  We’ve all coveted this quilt.  Oh, wait.  That’s just me?

Don’t lie to me.

You know you want The Gypsy Wife Quilt, too.

When my good friend, Michelle over at Factotum-of-Arts started a quilt along, it took me a few days, but then I decided, “what the hell” and added one more thing to my already full plate.

I might not make the deadline, but I’ve never been one for those anyways…


Pure joy, people.

This pattern is insane.

When waiting for the pattern to arrive, I thought long and hard about my fabric choices.  I emailed a few trusty sources with my gut feelings, and then took the plunge on Etsy.  Basically, if Anna Maria Horner designed it, it’s going into this quilt.  Her fabrics scream hippie, and this quilt just seems to mesh with her style.  I can’t wait to start playing.  I’ve got quite a blend of her fabrics going on right now, and I’m hoping to eventually add some True Colors as well.  Don’t lie, you have that in your online shopping cart, too.  I know.  Say it with me, “My name is _______, and I’m addicted to pretty fabric.”  There are worse things, friends.

Here’s my AMH stash so far:







I have a few other scraps and prints thrown in, and I’ve decided to keep them all in a bin safe and separate.  Especially since I want to make pretty things with all of these fabrics.  It’s going to be hard to hold onto these for a year!  On the flip side, it means I’ll get to add to my AHM collection for another year.  I told you, I was late to the party, but girl has shown up!


Happy bin!

So, check out the quilt along!  Michelle has laid out a very reasonable time table, and we all know that falling behind is acceptable.  Welcome to my life.  Plus, who doesn’t want this as their Christmas present in December.  Planning ahead, people.  Planning.Ahead.  I’ll also be linking these beauties up to Sunday Stash held over at Sarah Quilts!  Go check out her insanely gorgeous stash.

Oh, and if you ever want to mail me AMH scraps, I won’t turn you away…

22 thoughts on “Gypsy Wife

  1. I. Love. This. Quilt. Sooo. Much! I never bought the pattern because I knew I would just stare it, pine over it and well, not make the quilt. I’m not a “follow a pattern” type of gal but your excitement is contagious and I know I would learn so much. I am going to do the QAL, too!!! Now, to buy the pattern!

  2. I debated whether I wanted to make this quilt but so far am resisting the urge. But,I still want to make a AMH quilt just for me. I just can’t decide which pattern. I look forward to seeing yours!

  3. I do love this quilt. I love the layout and colors and name! But my plate runneth over…so I will live vicariously through you on this one. Good thing I like your fabric pull so far! 😉

  4. AMH is perfect for this quilt -she does seem very hippychick. I’m so jealous of the AMH stash you have started -looking forward to seeing your blocks.

    • Oh Love it! It is so luscious – especially in AMH fabric! Ok broke down and bought the pattern! Xxoo

  5. Oh dear, no impulse control at all! But yes, that’s pure jealousy talking. I want to do it too, but I’m going to hold out. My list is just too long, and I owe too many people quilts I’ve promised. One word, though: I had a look at the designer’s website yesterday, and she’s posted some errata in the pattern, so you might want to check that out before you start! 🙂

  6. I actually have no desire to make this quilt 🙂 Although it is stunning and I am looking forward to seeing all of the versions popping up this year. And yes, AMH is the perfect choice here!

  7. Okay, so I’ve seriously been considering following Michelle’s QAL since she mentioned it. But with my ADD can I really steadily work on the same quilt for an entire YEAR?! In any case, Gypsy wife is going to look fantastically amazing in AMH!

  8. Wow! This is going to be epic….can’t wait to see how you get on. The fabric choices are just perfect for the quilt design, it needs a bit of busyness!! Good luck 🙂

  9. Wow! This quilt is crazy! I’ll be following all of you as you work on this project. I am already stretched too thin with quilting commitments. You have so much going on- how will you manage to squeeze this in to your schedule? Working with those gorgeous fabrics will be delicious.

  10. um, AMH + Gypsy Wife?! perfection, to be sure! great pick. her lush, vibrant greek style is going to look amazing with the pattern. why didn’t i think of that?
    dang, I may just have to adopt your “what the” philosply because I already have the pattern on order and a stack from my stash that I’m considering. some AMH might round it out just right.
    you are awesome. =)

  11. I’m doing the GWQAL — I can’t wait ot get started on this project, it’s going to be amazing seeing all the different collections come together. I broke my fabric fast (or extended my break from it) to buy the right colors for this beauty. Trying ot fabric fast and constantly breaking it — another thing that makes my hubby crazy.

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